Events & Rituals
Book Dev | FromSoil2Soul

Monday Mournings: A Grief Garden
8:30am-10am PST
YOU are invited to join A Grief Garden.
Online Grief Support in a Safe, Supportive Container. This occurs after Ikar’s Morning Minyan.
Sliding-Scale ($12-$72)

FREE Weekly Silent Meditation
9am-9:30am - Saturday mornings, rooftop @ Ikar

Get Resourced: Monthly Herbal Medicine Making with Unhoused Kids
FromSoil2Soul & Worthy of Love
Gather with unhoused families to share plants and make herbal sachets for a restorative, peaceful sleep. Awaken the senses to deep healing. Last Thursday of each month.
*6-8pm at Westside Shelter

newMOON Herbal SaltBowl Ritual
Monthly Gathering: Saturday or Sunday closest to the newMOON: 6-9pm in-person. For womxn and non-binary people, please join us for an Herbal SaltBowl ritual, learning, and nourishing potluck on Rosh Hodesh. Our monthly circle lineage traces back 20 years. Click here to sign up for monthly reminders and join the FromSoil2Soul What’sApp Sanctuary.

Past FromSoil2Soul Events

FREE Women & Nonbinary Wellness Day
Sunday, February 9th, 9:30am
Join us to launch an epic wellness day with a one-hour meditation and listening circle for soul-attunement in the new year. Guided by herbal ritualist Dev Brous | FromSoil2Soul. Join us to start this calendar year with the clarity and courage needed to move toward goals in the context of sanctuary and collective liberation.

FREE FromSoil2Soul Tu B’ Shevat Rooting & Renewal @Skirball
February 2th, 11-4pm
Collective Healing Ritual — Four Room Installation
A Tu B’Shevat experience unlike any you have ever experienced before! Enjoy the unbelievable bounty of locally-sourced and sustainably-harvested fruit, nuts, seeds, herbs, wines, juices as we explore the ancient mystical Jewish wisdom of the Four Worlds in a beautiful family-friendly journey that involves observing and engaging our senses. Come celebrate stewardship on this communal holiday, the Birthday of the Trees.

Make Healing Herbal Oils to Giveaway for Smoke Relief
Join us for a heartfelt afternoon of connection with earth and each other, as we gather to create 150+ healing infused herbal oils for those affected by the recent fires in Los Angeles. We will work with herbs harvested from Little City Farm and the FromSoil2Soul urban homestead to make herbal oils that soothe and support lung health. Devorah Brous, FromSoil2Soul, and Jenny Silbert, Little City Farm, team up to guide us through the process, as we learn about the healing plants and make our blend: Cuban Oregano, Cumquat, Oregano, Lavender, Holy Basil, and Rosemary. Help us to bring this magic to life! If you can't make it this time and want to be on our list for future events, click to be notified of our upcoming opportunities.
Havdalah & Herbs at the Shemesh Herb Farm
December 7th, 4-6:30pm
Join Dev | FromSoil2Soul at the Shalom Institute for a community gathering that will begin with a Havdalah ("Separation") ritual, where we end Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath) together and return to the "everyday world" together. While this is a Jewish custom, every BODY is invited to partake in this beautiful ritual where we expand our senses and our connectedness. We will enjoy lite-bites, and then continue to bring the extraordinary into the ordinary as we each make our own bouquet of fresh herbs to bring home with us at the end of our time together.

All-Night Winter Solstice SoundBath with Special Guests: Yaelle Shaphir & Michael Enderle
December 21st, 7pm
Emotional healing, stress relief, deep relaxation, improved focus. Join us for an unforgettable experience of mindfulness with sacred silence and sound in community.
Black | Jewish Alliance Grief Garden Ritual @ Skirball
November 17th, 5-8pm
Altar Build:
Finding Common Ground: A Thanksgiving Harvest Celebrating Indigenous Resilience and Food Traditions | Skirball Cultural Center
11.17 - 3pm
Yom Kippur SoundBath @Ikar
All-Night Soundbath for Collective Liberation
9.21, 8pm - 8am
Join us for this EPIC and unforgettable Autumnal Equinox Soundbath for deep meditation, grounding and spiritual expansion.
Get Out the Vote: Antelope Valley Herbal Medicine Making
Saturday, Aug. 10th, 2024, 2-4pm
FromSoil2Soul partners with Wow Flower Project
49-Day Regenerative Spring Cleanse
Join us for a 49-day embodied practice of cleansing and clearing, as we count the Omer and move from constriction to Liberation...and then...Revelation. Restore your gut-brain connection.
Eat nutrient-dense, healthy, locally-sourced super foods, raw and cooked, and drink delicious herbal infusions, homemade broths. Make bath salts and detox in herbal salts. Embark upon a time of inner-tending as part of your quest toward liberation.
Cleansing is an historical tool to engage with and respond to treacherous times. This 49-Day Regenerative Spring Cleanse is NOT a restrictive diet. You'll receive meal plans that are nutritious and simple to prepare, you'll also receive recipes and herbal remedies, a shopping list, and group support. You'll dive deep into herbal energetics with exercises to guide reflection and integration.
Kickoff is this Wednesday online, 12-1pm PST. Ping me for more details. Sliding scale options - and two partial scholarships available! Click the image to register.
Online Grief Ritual
Mastery Circle
7am-9am, June 4th, 2024
Join us for an online grief ritual.
Little City Farm - Gathering Hosted by ROI - Schusterman
June 6th, Mid-City Los Angeles, 7-10pm
Join Dev, FromSoil2Soul, for a Grief Ritual. Bring your anguish. Bring your brokenness. Bring your soul’s truth. We will harvest herbs and make an botanical oil for you to take home.
Plant Medicine fromsoil2soul: Hope Gardens with Worthy of Love
Friday, May 10th, Hope Gardens, Sylmar
Join Worthy of Love and FromSoil2Soul to share the herbal apothecary and awaken the senses to deep healing. Gather with unhoused families to share plants and make herbal sachets for a restorative, peaceful sleep.
Silent Nature Hike FromSoil2Soul ~ May 18th, 2023 @ 7:30am in Ojai with #Ikar
Join us for a silent, contemplative hike to awaken the senses; learn from birdsong & plants; and inspire land stewardship.
Herbal SaltBowl Ritual ~ May 18th, 2023 @ 1:30pm in Ojai with #Ikar
People who identify as nonbinary or womxn need a safe place to gather and learn ancient and emergent wisdom from each other.
A Grief Garden ~ May 18th, 2023 @ 4pm in Ojai with #Ikar
Join us to hold and be held. Bring acute personal grief, and bring your collective grief. Together we will make a healing herbal oil for you to take home.
Earth Day @ Motion Picture & Television Fund
*March 13th, 10am
1) Elder Gardening @ Motion Picture & Television Fund
*April 18th, 2pm
2) Elder Gardening @ Motion Picture & Television Fund
Earth Day @ LACC with Shero’s Rise
*Sunday, April 21st, 11am - 1pm
Come and Touch Earth. Connecting Girl Power from Shero’s Rise with the LACC Community Garden.
January Events with Dev
*January 10th, 2024, 2pm-3:20pm
Dev teaches on Collective Grief at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
*January 21st, 11-1pm
Work with nature to feel, and to heal your grief. The plants teach us how. Dev guides a Grief Garden Ritual for spiritual leaders from across the country. Join us for a mindful meditation in the garden. Make an herbal healing oil to take home. @ Kol Tefila Conference at Temple Beth Am
*January 24th, 7pm-8:30pm
Dev co-teaches on the sacred mystical holiday of Tu B’Shevat for Ikar House Party in the garden at the Urban Homestead
*January 28th, 10am-1pm
Dev co-leads a Tu B’Shevat at Burbank Temple Emanu El
Every Thursday night: A Grief Garden
Every newMOON - Community ritual
Every FULLmoon - Community Ritual
RETREAT: Solar Eclipse & Lunar Rituals + Soundbath
@ Dockweiler Beach, Monday April 8th, 11am-7pm PST
Exploring ancient texts, moon wisdom, WATER, AIR, FIRE, and EARTH rituals for a day-long retreat FromSoil2Soul.
Regeneration @ Shero’s Rise
March 16th, 9am - 1:30pm
Dev facilitates earth connection, earth listening, and the pillar of TRUST at LA City College’s community garden. Together we harvest food and explore deepening our connection with the land by tuning into our senses in the landscape. Shero’s Rise empowers girls in underserved, systems-impacted communities through educational programming and meaningful mentorship to activate their inner strengths and guide their journey of internal discovery.. Go Girl Power!
Herbs for Grief
December 11th, 3:30-5pm pst
Join Dev Brous to explore herbal remedies for collective care with the Jewish Herbalists in the Jewish Farm School network.
Sacred Plant Walk & Herbal Mustard Making
Sept. 12th, 7:30am Wildwood Canyon, Verdugo Mtns
Join us for a silent walk to learn from the land, and walk with the land. Together we will make offerings, harvest some wild mustard seed to make herbal mustard.
Seedling Sprout! Mama & Me Gardening @FromSoil2Soul Urban Homestead
October 1st & October 18th in Encino
$40 per session, discount for siblings
Collective Grief Ritual:
Tisha b’Av with Nefesh & Burbank Temple Emanu El
Wednesday night, 7pm PST, BTEE
Soundbath & Meditation on Yom Kippur
Monday, 9.25, @Ikar, 3:15-4:15pm in Shalhevet Basement
Dev Brous & Yaelle Shaphir
Revelation SoundBath & Meditation on Shavuot
May 25th - 10pm PST
FromSoil2Soul @ Ikar Shabbaton: Mystical Hike
May 6th, 2023 - 7:30am PST
Exploring silence, rewilding through the medicine of the trees, vines, grasses, and wildlife.
April 1st, 2023 @ 7pm
As the new Executive Director of Burbank Temple Emanu El, we’ve organized a wine and cheese to gather and celebrate! Join us for a design charrette so we can apply eco-design principles to catalyze collaboration around difference facets of the community. Come join!
Season Tending
3.23.23 — Thursdays 10am -11:30am PST
Tend The Seasons - Take one or all four modules in this epic year-long program exploring regenerative practices for the inner landscape based on ecological design principles. Soul-care, earth-care, community-care for educators, activists, creatives, philanthropists, and counselors. Scholarships available for QTBIPoC.
FromSoil2Soul Tu B’Shevat Seder and Soundbath Ritual
Saturday, 1.28.23, 7-10pm PST
Join us to mark sacred time with a SoundBath + Mystical Seder ritual, learning, and nourishing potluck.
FromSoil2Soul Tu B’Shevat Seder @ Ikar
January 28, 2023 - 10:30am PST
Exploring ancient ritual of Seder to celebrate the rise of sap in the trees, and the start of the new year of the trees.
Drawing Near: FromSoil2Soul Spiritual Ecology with Rabbinical Students
February 6th, 2023 @ 10am
February 6th, 2023 is the sacred Jewish holiday for the trees, Tu B’Shevat. At 11am, Rabbinical students from AJR will explore the ideals of the holiday and delve into how the tradition invites us to draw near through stepping into stewardship and addressing the climate imperative.
Dev.Brous Teaches 6-part Institutional Compost Service Learning Project
Fall Tuesdays @Ikar 4pm-6pm PST
Our tradition teaches, we don’t waste anything larger than a seed of mustard. How? Join us to scale a kid-led institutional compost program.
Silent Disco
DJ Bee (me) and AtotheG (Alexandra G.) invite you to a sacred journey of the darkness and light! Hanukkah newMOON WINTER solstice silent disco at the Santa Monica beach Suggested Donation is $18-25 Bring friends and family!
Please spread the word...Must RSVP. This is Saturday night, just before Chanukah starts! 🕎🌒🪩💖 Click here to register.
Herbal Medicine Making for Community Sovereignty at Dignity & Power Now!
Friday, November 4th, 2022 11am-1pm
CommUNITY leader and Abolitionist invites Dev Brous to make medicine with UEPI students at the community hub.
2 hrs
Dev.Brous is featured at the Collective Impact Speaker Series
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 from 5pm – 7pm
Convening government staff, non-profits, developers and designers to present their visions for sustainability in LA. passions around sustainability, equity, economy, environment, resilience, carbon, circularity, the unhoused and much more.
Lauren Faber O’Connor, Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Los Angeles, will be our discussant representing local policy makers. Partners on this speaker series are: Skanska, Buro Happold, USGBC-LA, LARC, ULI-LA, AIA|LA, Ari Simon Coaching and Convening, Los Angeles Eco-Village, NOMA,
AWA+D, City of Santa Monica, and LATTC Architecture, After, speakers will dialogue with Lauren Faber O’Connor, Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Los Angeles.
Skanska: 633 W 5th St. LA, CA 90071
Annual International Multi-Faith Green Sabbath Gathering: Sabbatical Ritual
To lift up efforts to practice a Green Sabbath and incorporate renewal into our frenetic lives, in this 30-min. experiential session, Dev.Brous will guide us to glean an embodied practice rooted in ancient Sabbatical earth-based wisdom. This mini-Sabbatical journey is designed to nourish and support YOU in a reflection of the past, present, and future. With stillness and movement, silence and sound, root down, in order to rise up.
October 20 through 23 to celebrate our first international Green Sabbath Weekend, a weekend celebrating the ritual power of rest. Join us tomorrow for a FREE celebration - an international multi-faith Green Sabbath event marking the end of the ancient Sabbatical year. #greensabbath
ReWILD FULLmoon SOUL-o Healing Retreat
Friday August 12th, 4pm - Sunday 14th, 11am
Picture a mystical forest sanctuary. Time alone. Time together. Sleep outside in tents, explore the magic of community, connect with each other and nature. Together, share time in silence and sound, stillness and movement as we connect the dots between soil and soul. The weekend will be a time to heal and resource. A time to rewild and regenerate!
Join us to make herbal medicine, and have mini workshops on belly-beading, challah-kneading, and tree craft with the forest as our guide. Listening circle, yoga, reiki, hiking, and a barefoot dance party in the woods. Cook together and share plant-based food throughout the weekend! A feast and celebration of both solitude, and community designed for YOU to Regenerate!
For healers. For YOU.
SoundBath & Silent Meditation @ Ikar
Tuesday, Yom Kippur, Oct. 4th, 2022, 3pm @ Ikar
Join us in-person or online for a regenerative practice to nourish the soul during the Sacred Fast.
FREE 1.5 hr group ritual
49-Day Regenerative Cleanse
Fridays, 11:30am online for 8 wks. 4.22-6.3
It’s Spring! Let’s gather online, in our kitchens and chop/cook/and set intentions together. This is the time for more perennial greens and bitter herbs to feed your gut biome and support your liver after winter’s slumber. Cleanse is offered during a sacred, liminal time in between two harvest festivals when we count the Omer and study the Tree of Life. Come together in a supportive community to revitalize your Gut-Brain connection through a nourishing cleanse. This is a transformative 49-days of releasing patterns that cause inflammation and inhibit the immune system, while restoring practices that feed vitality. Learn to make your own Herbal Bitters.
Partial Scholarships for QTBIPoC. Deferred payment plan available.
1.5 hr weekly group session
Torah of the Gut & Digestion: Herbal Bitters
June 4th, 11pm PST @ IKAR on Shavuot
It’s time to reset the Gut-Brain Axis. From the desert to the mountains and every single crevice fromsoil2soul in between, there are sacred plants that we can connect with…Bloated? Gassy? Battling heartburn after yet another meal? Come journey from enslavement to unhealthy patterns, through the liberating journey of the 49-day Omer, and onward to the Great Revelation that digestion matters. Learn to ethically harvest bitter herbs and make your own medicine. Herbal Bitters are the new Chicken Soup.
WoW Flower Project: Herbal Medicine Making for Community Sovereignty
April 2nd, 2022 9am-10am
Waunette Cullors, Farmer, CommUNITY leader and Abolitionist invites Dev Brous to make medicine in the Antelope Valley community.
1 hr
Promised Land: Compost! with NuRoots
April 3rd, 10am - 12pm PST
Spring Cleaning! Passover is around the corner. Visit our urban homestead and bring over all your food scraps and all your questions, I’m a Compost QUEEN! We’ll get you all set up with an engaging experiential workshop and touch soil this Sabbatical year.
Sabbatical: Medicine for our Times @ Ikar
Part 1: February 6th, 2022 - 10am PST
Part 2: March 20th, 2022 - 10am PST
What can we learn from the ancient laws of the Sabbatical to regenerate both soil and soul? This fall, as hundreds of farmers revitalize a practice of fallowing soil to replenish microbiology in overworked and overtreated soil, and agitate for community food sovereignty, there are vast implications for systemic repair and climate transformation. The ancient wisdom of Sabbath is both constructive (economic redistribution, freeing the enslaved) and constrictive (ceasing work, land regeneration)—a dialect that is ultimately about setting limits on our human tendency to exploit with unfettered consumption, rather than tend the earth. This session will be dynamic and experiential as we probe the Sabbatical as a collective tool to restore our health and the health of the land, as well as economic balance and social equity.
Herbal Medicine Making
March 17, 11am - 12pm PST
With DPN! Abolitiionists and Crenshaw Dairy Mart at the Hilda Solis CareFirst Village Workshop, join Dev and DPN’s Building Resilience crew to make herbal medicine with and for formerly incarcerated, and unhoused people in community solidarity.
Sabbatical: Medicine for our Times @ Ikar
Part 2: March 20th, 2022 - 10am PST
What can we learn from the ancient laws of the Sabbatical to regenerate both soil and soul? This fall, as hundreds of farmers revitalize a practice of fallowing soil to replenish microbiology in overworked and overtreated soil, and agitate for community food sovereignty, there are vast implications for systemic repair and climate transformation. The ancient wisdom of Sabbath is both constructive (economic redistribution, freeing the enslaved) and constrictive (ceasing work, land regeneration)—a dialect that is ultimately about setting limits on our human tendency to exploit with unfettered consumption, rather than tend the earth. This session will be dynamic and experiential as we probe the Sabbatical as a collective tool to restore our health and the health of the land, as well as economic balance and social equity.
Earth-Based Judaism: Aleph Ordination Program
March 15th, 5pm - 6:30pm PST
Let’s dive deep into an experiential Sabbatical.
Tu B’Shevat Ritual: Jewish Adult Winter Camp
January 16th, 2022 1:15pm - 1:45pm PST
Celebrate the trees, grasses, vines, and plants this sacred Sabbatical year for the land! Join us for a powerful, immersive yet virtual composting ritual fromsoil2soul! Feel free to bring your greens (wet materials) and browns (dry materials) to feed the land the feeds us. If composting is not your thing, this session is designed for you.
1/2 hr online group ritual
Eden Village West Reunion @fromsoil2soul Urban Homestead
2.26: Music. Fire. S’mores. Havdallah!
Shmita Hives: FromSoil2Soul Urban Homestead
Monday, January 17th, 2022, 7pm
Seder + Compost Ritual.
3 hr session / ritual
Garden Program in south LA with Afterschool All-Stars
Wednesday, February 16th, 2022, 2pm - 6pm PST
Levi Brous-Light gathered 1200 books to donate to create a library in south LA, and the food-bearing and medicinal plants that are fromsoil2soul centerpieces we made for his Bar MItzvah - will be gifted and cared for by the Girl Scouts so there are more urban gardens in this food desert. Every one of the sixty kids in the program will receive a seed to plant in a compostable pot to bring home.
FromSoil2Soul Gardening
Sacred Gardening @ Chai Village
All you want to know about planting, feeding and harvesting in a Sabbatical year. Come with an open heart to connect with the regenerative cycles of nature.
Dev Brous is an urban homesteader, environmental educator, and community organizer. She delivers her sessions with passion, spiritual insights and good fun.
12:00-1pm PST
Last Friday of every Month
Connect for the Zoom link!
Tu B’Shevat Seder on MLK Day in a Sabbatical Year
Monday January 17th, 2022, 11am - 12:30pm PST
Join us in a journey through worlds of imagination and activism, exploring the intersections between climate and racial justice, between Spirit and Action, between Love and Justice, between Tu Bishvat and MLK. Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid.org) and Dev.Brous (FromSoil2Soul.com) will lead reflections on the urgency of environmental justice, the earthiness of composting, and the whole-society solution of Shmita, the Sabbatical year. We'll touch on the Bedouin, the Amazon, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and more, and make space for whatever is going on in YOUR community. Bring the accoutrements of a simple seder - some fruits with a shell, with a pit, and with edible seeds, and two different colors of juice, and your hearts and minds.
Ohalah Rabbinic Conference: From Vision to Redemption
Wednesday, January 12th, 2022 ~ 10:30am-12pm
Earth-Based Climate Healing Shmita Text Study
In a time of climate crisis, what can ancient wisdom offer us? Torah gave a mission to the Jewish people to create a world guided by Shmita-level respect for land, for the stranger, for humanity, and for all creatures. Ecological disasters that were historical/mythical memory for our ancestors foreshadowed the catastrophe of our civilization. Shmita was meant to divert the world from this catastrophe, teaching how social justice, justice for land in the global sense, and justice for the land of Israel/Palestine, are inseparable. We will explore this nexus through theology, theories of change, intersectionality, and other angles that illuminate how to integrate our work on justice, resilience, and sustainability.
“Whose Life is it Anyway?” Summit
December 2021
Looking for a reset in these tumultuous times? Join me and 20+ renowned speakers from England, Norway, Germany, Bali, South Africa, Canada, and Denmark to explore how to thrive and make our choices in harmony with the earth so we can show up and make choices in these times with full integrity. Katrine and Mjølner are hosting this series of potent conversations and each of us are speaking for FREE, and giving a FREE gift to attendees of the summit. In an age where summits and retreats are costly and cumbersome, this is disruptive! Join for December’s FREE summit, and receive a FREE gift from each of the speakers!
Here’s my FREE offering. Please join @dev.brous for a compost ritual on the Winter Solstice, 9am PST. Come with your food scraps, ready to symbolically release and feed the earth to tap the pulse of regeneration. This opportunity is a gift for participants of the Whose Life is it Anyway Summit?(click here to check the time in your time zone).
Compost Ritual: Winter Solstice
Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, 9-10am PST
Join me for a 1 hour Winter Solstice online/in-person composting ritual fromsoil2soul. Bring your greens (wet materials) and browns (dry materials) to feed the land the feeds us. We’ll share Compost Soup, fromsoil2soul.
Dignity & Power Now! + Cancel the Contract: Abolitionist Herbal Healers in Antelope Valley
12.11.21, 10am-3pm PST
Stoked to join forces with DPN! Dev.Brous offers Herbal Medicine Making. Do you want to support this work? Donate to DPN! - a BIPoC-led nonprofit at the forefront of abolitionist organizing.
Reparations. Release. Rematriation in a Sabbatical framework.
Nov. 21st, Sunday, 2pm PST @Ikar / Shalhevet
Join us to explore Indigenous Land Rights and Transformative Justice fromsoil2soul - with Tongva leaders and Jewish land rights organizers. Dev co-moderates a power-packed event.
Regeneration Change Cycle: Burnout to Renewal (London) @BeKindMovement UK & @Calmer
November 29th, 2021 10-11am PST
@thisiscalmer and @BeKindMovementUK
Hosted by Founder of Calmer, Tania Diggory, this event will feature LA-based Consultant and Founder of FromSoil2Soul Devorah Brous, and Founder of Be Kind Movement Premila Puri.
For many of us, as the evenings draw in and the weather turns, our wellbeing dips slightly as we adjust to the new winter season. At Calmer, we’re dedicated to encouraging good mental health and wellbeing practices, whatever time of year. However, we acknowledge that it can be particularly difficult to keep up the same routine during the winter months.
With this in mind, join us for a special fundraising event on 29th November as we highlight the ways we can adapt our wellbeing practices during a time where we might be feeling a little less motivated. We're also running a special prize draw for individuals and businesses who donate to this event, full details below on the prizes!
Through various exercises and discussions, we’ll be sharing evidence-based insights and strategies on self-kindness, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and self-care – all of which will provide you with a toolkit of practices to support and nurture your mental health this winter.
1.5 hr. community event
Permaculture Women’s Online Gathering
11.27 at 9am
Join Dev for an exploration of Soil Fertility. Sign up to earn a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) with Permaculture Women!
2 hr. meet / greet faculty
Masterclass: FALLOW and Listen to the Earth with Dev.Brous
Thursday, October 21st, 2021, 10-12pm PST
@The School for Sacred Storytelling for an intimate and interactive deep listening and conversation. This Master Class is part of the Sanctuary Guest Master Speaker Series.
How and Why do we FALLOW the Soil and the Soul. What is the Story of the Land whispering through you? How can we honor the Original Stewards and support efforts to rematriate?
Green Sabbath with Dev.Brous & Ched Meyers
Friday, August 27th: 9am PST, 12pm EST
What can we learn from the ancient laws of the Sabbatical to regenerate both soil and soul? This fall, as hundreds of farmers revitalize a practice of fallowing soil to replenish microbiology in overworked/overtreated soil, and agitate for community food sovereignty, there are vast implications for systemic repair and climate transformation. The ancient wisdom of Sabbath is both constructive (economic redistribution, freeing the enslaved) and constrictive (ceasing work, land regeneration)—a dialect that is ultimately about setting limits on our human tendency to exploit with unfettered consumption, rather than tend the earth. Learn from an indigenous #landback activist, a Jewish urban homesteader, writer, & frontline community organizer, and a radical Christian theologian, activist, and writer about the vast implications of Sabbath spirituality, economics and politics. This session will be dynamic and experiential as we probe the Sabbatical as a collective tool to restore balance between acquisition and disposal; mourning and rejoicing; harvesting and fallowing with the earth’s cycles to advance indigenous land rights, ecological, and social justice.
FALLOW to Regenerate the LAND
October 25th, 2021, 11am PST
@San Fernando Valley District Garden Club
Join me for an interactive and dynamic exploration into How and Why we FALLOW the Soil and the Soul.
In-Person - dM me @dev.brous.
Tashlich’Compost: Release Ritual for the Land
TWO events:
Sept 5th, 2021, 11am PST and
Sept 12th, 2021, 6pm with Ikar (lifeguard station 26)
@SparkleVerse online Burning Man Festival
Cast away what doesn't serve. Touch Soil. Compost and let go before entering into 5782 and the ancient Sabbatical year. Join this collective ritual, and embody release.
Kiss it goodbye and alchemize matter into life force.
Seed the soil. Shift the climate. Transform waste into food for the soil and the soul. Bring your *food scraps and feed the land that feeds us as we enter a new year for the land, the animals, the minerals, the fungi, and the elements.
In-Person - dM me @dev.brous for address and list of compostable items. Online: click here to register FREE
Herbal Medicine Making FromSoil2Soul
June 17th: 10:30-12:15pm PST
July 6th: 10:30-11:30am PST
Food Sovereignty, Food Equity, and Food Justice in your Community. What does the Jewish imperative ask of us? Our Sabbatical year begins on Rosh HaShanah 5782, this fall. What can we do to grow and foster systemic change in our food system while taking a year to fallow our fields and reflect on regeneration?
Next, learn the empowering practice of harvesting herbs to make your own jar of herbal medicine.
Two-Part Series: 1.5 hr. sessions
Teach-In: Restoring the ancient New Year for the Animals
August 9th, 2021, 8am PST, 12pm EST
Join Dev.Brous and a host of leading advocates for the rights of nature to explore the revitalization of a day designed expressly for animal rights advocacy and spiritual action in solidarity with the “more-than-human” realm. Claim your spot soon!
Regenerate! An Antidote to Burnout
May 18th, 2021
All Paths Divinity School, 4-5:45pm PST
Learn about a Jewish approach to regeneration. We will explore mindfulness practices to help you to slow down and become present with yourself. In these unprecedented times - stillness and movement, silence and sound - can gently guide us back to a centered and grounded place. Power down, in order to regenerate.
1.5 hr. session - FREE
Regenerative Gardening
Sunday, June 6th, 10am-12pm with IKAR
Sunday, June 13th 2021,10am-12pm PST with IKAR
Learn to grow your food without any synthetic fertilizers or chemicals! Grow your own food-as-medicine! Learn to apply regenerative gardening practices to wherever you garden.
Two 1.5 hr in-person sessions with Dev.Brous are dynamic and experiential, yet intimate enough to empower and guide you in planting and maintaining a regenerative and bountiful vegetable garden and a thriving compost system. Registration is required! There is limited capacity, so claim your spot soon!
July Herbal SunShine: Garden Party for the Unhoused
Thursday, July 304th PST with Worthy of Love
Join me for the 102nd B’earthday Party for the unhoused community with Worthy of Love on Skidrow! We’ll celebrate Constantine for maintaining a regenerative and bountiful vegetable Bialik garden we installed with Master Gardeners back in 2009! Registration is required! There is limited capacity, so claim your spot soon!
June Bloom: Garden Party for the Unhoused
Thursday, June 4th PST with Worthy of Love
Join me for a B’earthday Party for the unhoused community with Worthy of Love on Skidrow! We’ll celebrate Constantine for maintaining a regenerative and bountiful vegetable Bialik garden we installed with Master Gardeners back in 2009! Registration is required! There is limited capacity, so claim your spot soon!
soilTHYME with Dignty & Power Now!
May 7th, May 14th, May 21st @ 9am PST
Grow Self-Reliance, Food Sovereignty & Community Wellness
49-day Nourishing Spring Cleanse
Mondays 4-5:30pm PST through May 17th
As we begin to return to the new world, prepare by rebuilding yourself and REGENERATING from within in a safe container for accountability. Join us to count the Omer as we are guided through an 8-wk regenerative spring cleanse with Dev Brous and certified acupuncturist, Yaelle Shaphir. This cleanse is long enough to create new patterns, and deep enough to fully refresh the life screen - for the long haul. Recover from adrenal burnout with Gentle Movement. Food-as-Medicine. Recipes for mindful eating. Herbal Remedies. Cooking Demos. Laughter Yoga for Digestion. Scholarships for BIPOC. This group is FULL. Contact me to join us this Fall for an ELUL cleanse.
1.5 hr session per week
Omer & Justice with Jewish Voice for Peace Havurah Network
March 28th - May 15th, 5:30pm PST/ 8:30pm EST
Dev.Brous leads seven sessions during Week 4: Netzach - “Endurance” & Victory - Steadfastness 4/18 - 4/24 nightly
Register for all or any number of the nights here
all community events - FREE
Regenerative Change: Compost as Climate Action & Ritual in These Times
April 25th, 2021 10-11am PST
At the JCAN conference, get your hands off the keyboard and into the soil!
Watch Dev Brous’ new TEDx talk on Regenerative Change. Then, buckle down and learn a foolproof method to compost! Sheltering-in-Place affords us a laboratory to up our commitment to the climate, reduce consumption patterns, and transform waste into food for the soil and the soul. Learn composting and deepen into a reciprocal relationship: feed the land that feeds us. Go on a scavenger hunt and a mystical lean-in experience exploring our spiritual connection to this planet and ways to transform waste into food for your plants and connect us to the Mother Earth.
It’s an experiential workshop. Learn why and how to compost with your family so you can sequester carbon and transform waste into food for trees, gardens and houseplants.
Supplies needed:
*Three large bowls or buckets for a scavenger hunt for greens (nitrogen) and browns (carbon)
*A bucket, compost tumbler, vermicompost bin, or any storage bin that you can drill a few holes into
*Newspaper or cardboard
1hr. community event FREE
Climate Action: Get Your Compost On!
March 19th, 2021 10-11:30am PST
The abolitionist nonprofit, Dignity & Power Now!, is offering a course for healers on the Building Resilience team to grow food and make medicine. Join Dev Brous to launch this course with a focus on SOIL. It’s an experiential workshop and learn why and how to compost with your family so you can sequester carbon and transform waste into food for trees, gardens and houseplants.
Supplies needed:
*Three large bowls or buckets for a scavenger hunt for greens (nitrogen) and browns (carbon)
*A bucket, compost tumbler, vermicompost bin, or any storage bin that you can drill a few holes into
*Newspaper or cardboard
1.5 hr workshop - FREE
Indigenous Rights & Environmental Stewardship
Sunday, March 14th, 2021 4pm
Indigenous Rights, Jewish Environmental Stewardship & Climate Justice
Emily McDonnell (Navajo and Jewish) and Devorah Brous in a thought-provoking discussion as we examine the future of climate justice in the United States. In this session, we analyze environmental stewardship through a Jewish and Indigenous lens, and take a hard look at what it really means to be a good ally as we support Indigenous communities in their fight for land rights. We will also address the ways in which allies have historically engaged in harmful behavior by silencing Indigenous voices and hijacking Indigenous-led spaces. In this session, join us for a discussion of the book, “As Long As Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice, from Colonization to Standing Rock" by Dina Gilio-Whitaker (start reading it now!). We’ll explore Native American environmental advocacy, and building Jewish and Native partnerships for indigenous-led environmental justice.