
Devorah Brous
Herbalist | Ritual Facilitator | Multi-Media Artist
@Dev.Brous (she|her) is the Creator of FromSoil2Soul.
As an Urban Homesteader my practice, FromSoil2Soul, is dedicated to tending and resourcing people experiencing accumulated grief and / or burnout. For over 20 years, my intersectional approach is based in ancient and emergent wellness practices for soul-care, earth-care, and community-care.
Prior to forming FromSoil2Soul, I served as the founding Executive Director of two mission-driven environmental nonprofits, BUSTAN, and Netiya for a combined 18 years. A bridge-builder with systems-impacted and underinvested communities (indigenous, houseless, and formerly incarcerated people), I bring an undeniable passion for growing community stakeholder engagement through relationship-building.
I have a Mindfulness Teacher Training certificate and for two decades I have led listening circles and trained extensively on non-hierarchical frameworks for culture change that center equity, belonging, and empowerment. Deeply committed to holistic wellness, counter-oppressive organizing, and unsettling, I have trained with indigenous Bedouin; Council; and Non-Violent Communication; and I have served as a facilitator for the Compassionate Listening Project. While I have practiced listening all over the world with groups and teams in conflict zones, perhaps the most urgent is deepening mindful listening practices right here and now. With two Masters degrees in conflict resolution and development studies, I see conflict and grief as dynamic forces to deepen counter-oppressive organizing, solidify communication, and amplify impact.
Follow @dev.brous, and check out FromSoil2Soul offerings: courses, and consults or her former column, A Jewitch Herbal. Read Full Bio here.
Want to work together 1:1?
Tending Grief with Herbal Remedies, Ritual, and Earth-Based Practices FromSoil2Soul
FromSoil2Soul offers compassionate grief support and holistic healing through herbal remedies, group rituals, and earth-based practices for life cycle events. FromSoil2Soul offerings are rooted in ancient traditions of land stewardship and earth-based wisdom.
Click here and we’ll be in touch very soon.

My Regenerative Change Cycle framework maps an experiential journey to replenish and resource.
Step into the ancient technology of Sabbath-inspired practices. May YOU find restorative ways to FALLOW in the garden, fromsoil2soul.
Plant seeds that weave us back into ancient cycles with organic rhythms that replenish the spirit, refuel the body, and reboot the mind.