
Check out Events for monthly Group Experiences

49-Day Regenerative Cleanse


Join us for a 49-day embodied practice of cleansing and clearing, as we count the Omer and move from constriction to Liberation...and then...Revelation. Restore your gut-brain connection.

Eat nutrient-dense, healthy, locally-sourced super foods, raw and cooked, and drink delicious herbal infusions, homemade broths. Make bath salts and detox in herbal salts. Embark upon a time of inner-tending as part of your quest toward liberation.

Cleansing is an historical tool to engage with and respond to treacherous times. This 49-Day Regenerative Spring Cleanse is NOT a restrictive diet. You'll receive meal plans that are nutritious and simple to prepare, you'll also receive recipes and herbal remedies, a shopping list, and group support. You'll dive deep into herbal energetics with exercises to guide reflection and integration.

Kickoff is this Wednesday online, 12-1pm PST. Ping me for more details. Sliding scale options - and two partial scholarships available! Click the image to register.

TEND: Group Journey

Dev guides an intimate FromSoil2Soul experiential group healing journey that centers Regeneration. This is a month-long Seasonal Journey to Tend your "Inner" Landscape.

Through an herbal protocol, poetry and ritual, guided meditation, stillness, mindful writing prompts, and home practice…the FromSoil2Soul Journey is all about learning Observation and Humility.

Join us this summer season to begin anew. We meet four times, each for 1 hour - deeply personalized group facilitation, writing and breathwork exercises, and home practice.

Google Meet: Thursdays 11am-12pm PST starting June 2024. Pay in full today for Early Bird Rates and get a BONUS private 30-min session with Dev. (Three partial scholarships are available for QTBIPoC).

A Grief Garden

A Grief Garden: For People Experiencing Acute Personal and Collective Grief

Every Thursday - 5:30-6pm PST on Zoom

Bring your anguish. Bring your brokenness. Bring your soul’s truth. Bring a podcast or book to recommend, a poem or story to share. This free online gathering is for people of all faiths, and for anyone wrestling with acute grief, so we can hold and be held, and learn from the wisdom of others living Beyond. STOP this war. Join us to pray for the return of hostages, and a ceasefire. Call-in our ancestors and say Kaddish (or a prayer from your spiritual technology). Click here for A Grief Garden - What'sApp for connection/reminders.

Ritual | Life Cycle Centerpieces

Change is all around and within. Mark change by bridging time and space together in a sacred, tangible, and purposeful manner. Mourning? Transition? Milestone birthday? Baby Naming? Click here to learn more and book a RITUAL for your Life Cycle. While we’re at it, we also do FromSoil2Soul centerpieces that actually feed people - well after your Life Cycle event is over. Centerpieces feature seasonal food-bearing plants that are planted to grow community food sovereignty in any of the food gardens I’ve installed in Urban Food Deserts. Ritual and Centerpieces, with intentionality and consciousness, FromSoil2Soul.