Mussar - Ethics for YOU

Guided 3-month group (Jan-March 2023)

Here are the 18 attributes in the Mussar tradition: Humility, Patience, Gratitude, Compassion, Order, Equanimity, Honor, Simplicity, Faith, Trust, Responsibility, Loving-Kindness, Moderation, Truth, Generosity, Silence, Enthusiasm, Fear/Awe (defined as two sides of the same coin). Together, each week we'll take a deep breath, and do a deep dive -- one trait at a time.

You'll need enough time to drop in and be fully present (think: turn off your phone, be in a quiet place for the full hour, close the door to distractions). You'll also want to bring a mug of your favorite hot drink, a candle/matches, a journal/pen, and an open mind/heart!

Please register for this group program if you are willing to be in creative and generative exploration. COST is $80 session. To register, Venmo $960: @devorah-brous by January 28th, 2023.

Have a friend that might like to join us? Spread the word!