tending your inner & outer landscapes
Grief irreversibly alters our landscapes.
After the unthinkable has happened, I create safe containers where healing and regeneration are possible.
Your world will never look or feel quite the same. It’s tough to eat. It’s tough to sleep. Your body aches, and your spirit is depleted. Whether it has literally all burned down—or it feels that way right now—you don’t have to hold it alone.
Grief hits us personally, and we heal it collectively.
Let’s work through this moment to awaken, reorient, and express your grief.
Here are 3 Options FromSoil2Soul:
1) Reach out for a 1:1 immersive Grief Support session.
2) Two sessions per week are pro-bono for people seeking LA Wildfire Relief
3) Click to register and join the Grief Garden for FREE Monday Mournings online + FREE in-person Saturday meditations
You are not alone. I’d love to be present with you. Let’s connect.

Soul-Care | Earth-Care | Community-Care
Events. Healing Rituals. 1:1 Soul-Sabbaticals.
Click to Sponsor 1:1 Grief Support for LA Fire Survivors
Click to Sponsor 1:1 Grief Support for LA Fire Survivors ⋆

Life burns through heart and home, unearthing truth. Grief is alive. Listen for its timeless wisdom. There is a pathway toward clarity, solace, and even awe.
Who is this for?
If you seek grief relief after any form of loss — a beloved; a diagnosis, or any other big deal transition, I’m right here.
A 1:1 personal journey can include an immersive sessions in-person or online, an herbal protocol, and/or a healing ritual for individuals.
I also offer weekly and monthly group rituals, and customized ceremonies.

Tending Grief with Herbal Remedies, Ritual, and Earth-Based Practices FromSoil2Soul
Our work together is a combination of deep listening, plant medicine, grief rituals, herbal protocols, time-tested mindful coping strategies, and polyvagal healing tools to reset the nervous system.
We harness the transformative power of grief. I guide people to release and renew.

Endings are Beginnings.
I’m skilled in grief support, reflective facilitation, witnessing, compassionate listening, mindful observing, intuitive healing, and embodied integration.
With reverence for the sacred plants, FromSoil2Soul rituals and earth-based practices are rooted in Jewish mysticism; ancient and emergent Middle Eastern stewardship practices; herbal wisdom; climate-wise soil science; and mutual aid. May YOU find Sanctuary here.
Because Death Feeds Life.

“G*d formed the human (adam) from the soil (adamah) and breathed into their nostrils the breath of life, and the human became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

Book Today ~ FromSoil2Soul
Book Today ~ FromSoil2Soul ⋆